Amateur Radio Station N2OEF Information

Home Station QTH


  • Yaesu FTDX-101D
  • LDG z11 Pro II
  • Astron Power Supply


The antenna farm here is a little bleak at the moment. I’ve been putting in efforts recently to improve things a bit but I also spend more time doing POTA then operating at home anyway, so no big deal.

  • Homebrew Doublet 80-10
  • 43' Vertical (currently out of commission)
  • and my new addition operating at the QTH temporarily, DX Commander Expedition


I primarily run N3FJP’s Amateur Contact log. I haven’t done any contests recently, but previously used N1MM+. I think going forward I’ll continue to use N3JP’s contest logging programs instead.

Future Improvements

Hopefully throughout the fall I get some work done. My plans are to get the vertical working again. I pulled coax up at the beginning of the year to cut the lawn and never layed it back down. Before that it was acting a little odd, possibly a loose connection.

I also noticed over the summer that the doublet is a little low and the rope is in pretty bad shape. I’ll need to get that restrung here before winter. It might find a new home too, seeing if it’ll fit where I’m thinking of putting it.

Portable/POTA Operations


  • Icom IC-705
  • Xiegu G90
  • Yaesu FT-857D
  • Icom IC-7000


  • Homebrew EFHW 40-10
  • DX Commander Expedition


  • Throw weight and throw rope
  • Various bits of 550 cord
  • Microsoft Surface Pro 12
  • AC Log or a Notebook